
Tech Giants to Unveil Power-Usage Plan

錚々たる面々。 Advanced Micro Devices Inc., which helped organize the effort, initially enlisted computer makers Hewlett-Packard Co., International Business Machines Corp. and Sun Microsystems Inc. Dell Inc., the fourth big server maker, s…

How Steve Jobs Played Hardball In iPhone Birth

iPhone登場までの物語。さすがWall Street Journal。読み応えがあるし,シカケもGood

Can Executives Find Happiness With a BlackBerry Minus Its Scroll Wheel?

BlackBerryに,スクロール・ボタンの代わりにトラックボールがついたという話。さて,どちらが使いやすいか。筆者はトラックボール派だが・・・。 The model, the BlackBerry 8800, eliminates a tiny scroll wheel on the side that is intended to navigat…

Intel Prototype May Herald a New Age of Processing

さすがJohn Markoff。抑えるべき点を知っている。IntelがISSCCで発表する,80個のCPUコア搭載したチップについて多くのネット・メディアが取り上げているが,ソフトウェアについて詳しく言及したのがMarkoff。Dave Pattersonまで話が及んでいるのが凄い。 In…

The Apples Come Together

相変わらずBusinessWeekもタイトルは秀抜。中身はもちろん,米Apple,Inc.と英Apple Corp.の和解。Michael Jacksonが登場するなど,てんこ盛りの内容なので面白く読める。例えば60年代から70年代に活躍したバンドで,ネットでのデジタル・データ配布を認めて…

Study Finds Web Antifraud Measure Ineffective

The study, produced jointly by researchers at Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, looked at a technology called site-authentication images. In the system, currently used by financial institutions like Bank of America, IN…

Apple, Beatles Reach Deal Over Use of Trademark

In 1991, after 100 days in court, the two companies signed what was expected to be a definitive agreement on use of the trademark. Apple Corps was given the right to use the apple for producing and selling music. Apple, then known as Apple…

Dell's Woes Mount as Investors File Improper-Accounting Suit(WSJ)

At times, the suit asserts, Dell was receiving as much as $1 billion a year in what the plaintiffs characterize as "secret and likely illegal" kickbacks by Intel to ensure that Dell use no other chip supplier. IntelからDellに支払われたとい…