
Google, Microsoft sued over map technology

Idea Man: A Memoir by the Cofounder of Microsoft、Paul Allen、Portfolio Hardcover、p.368、$27.95

米Microsoft共同創始者であるPaul Allneの自伝。Bill Gatesとの出会いと決別、Microsoftを30歳で退社した後の人生を綴っている。300ページを超える本だが、英語は平易で読みやすい。前半はMicrosoftとGatesに絡む数々の裏話が披露されており、評者のようなIT…

Greenlight’s Einhorn Says Microsoft Should Replace Ballmer

Microsoft must simplify for speed

Why buy Skype?

Skype Is Said to Have Demanded More Than $7 Billion in Talks

Microsoft Dials Up Change

Book Review: Idea Man: A Memoir by the Co-Founder of Microsoft by Paul Allen

Microsoft Fires Antitrust Complaint Against Google

Antitrust Cry From Microsoft

Microsoft Co-Founder Hits Out at Gates

Regrets, Resentment and Trivia in a Microsoft Partnership

Microsoft sues Barnes & Noble over Nook reader

Microsoft, Google join forces to challenge GeoTag patent

The Engineer-Driven Culture of Nokia

Microsoft Said to Be Unveiling Windows for ARM Chips

Microsoft Licenses Patents Created by Palm

What Did Microsoft and Adobe Chiefs Talk About?

The end of Wintel

Even With All Its Profits, Microsoft Has a Popularity Problem

Microsoft Grabs Hold of ARM

New King of Technology: Apple Overtakes Microsoft

Office politics

Microsoft echoes Apple view on Adobe's Flash

New Microsoft Phones Aim at a Younger Crowd

Microsoft Unveils Kin Phones Aimed at Youth Market

Microsoft Won’t Make Office for IPad, Says Google No Threat

Forbidden Fruit: Microsoft Workers Hide Their iPhones

Microsoft says Google acts raise antitrust issues

Is Google now a monopoly?