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Windows Is So Slow, but Why?(NYTimes)

Steve LohrとJohn Markoffの強力布陣で書かれた記事。Windows Vistaは5000万行で,Windows XPよりも40%も大きいとか。 "Windows is now so big and onerous because of the size of its code base, the size of its ecosystem and its insistence on compat…

Fidelity Employee Left Laptop With H-P Data in Car Before Theft(WSJ)

HPの現在と過去の19万60000の従業員データが漏洩した件。Fidelity Investmentsの社員が,レンタカーにノートパソコンを3時間にわたって置いて,食事をしたのが原因。なんともおそまつだが,人間のやることはこんなものともいえる。

Fujio Masuoka: Thanks For The Memory(BusinessWeek)

BusinessWeekのオンライン版に,フラッシュ・メモリの父として舛岡東北大学教授が登場。 His heart was set on memory chips that would preserve the user's data whether the power was on or off, thus eliminating the need for fragile hard-disk drive…

Apple's influence already felt at Intel

Apple Computer's switch to Intel chips has obviously had a huge impact on the Mac community. But Apple's way of looking at the world is making Intel "think different" about its own business. Appleで,Intelが変わるのだろうか? あの笑ってし…

Is your pet infected with computer virus?


Dell Goes High-end and Hip

The Alienware deal is indeed an unusual move for a company that had made only two acquisitions in its 22-year history. Buying Miami-based Alienware may be well-timed, given that recent efforts by Dell to revitalize its high-end product lin…

Google Offers Search Service on Finance(NYT)


Corning Develops a Glass Without Heavy Metals(WSJ)

砒素やアンチモン,バリウムを利用しないガラスを開発したという話。重金属を使わないガラスができるので,環境問題に対応できるというもの。技術の偉大なのはこういうところ(もちろん,逆に作用し,疫災になる場合も少なくないが・・・)。 Small quantiti…

Microsoft to Delay Windows Vista Release(AP)

ネットでは大騒ぎ(少なくとも驚いた振りをしている)。 Microsoft said it postponed its first new operating system since 2001 because of concerns about the security of the system from viruses and hackers and after deciding that it could not r…

Wiser About The Web(Business Week)

Web広告の行方を占っている。 Online advertising breaks roughly into two camps. The fastest-growing side has been search-engine advertising, led by Google and Yahoo. This industry has zoomed from zero to an estimated $5 billion in six years.…

Cray Plans Radical Product Design(WSJ)

Crayがブレード方式のスーパーコンピュータを開発したという話。スーパーコンピュータは今や,スカラー型のIBMが席巻している。シェアは47%を占める。対するCrayは11%。 Cray plans to give users even more choice. The company's so-called adaptive-sup…

Newspapers: From Print to Pixels(Business Week)

Knight Ridderを持ち出して,凋落の新聞をテーマにした記事。猛烈な追い上げを食らっている。じゃあ,新聞の生きる道は "Now they need to create online destinations, and it's not as easy as just putting their content on the Web site. They have got…

What's Lurking in That RFID Tag?(Business Week)

例のICタグのセキュリティ問題。 Computer hackers may have found their next frontier. 痺れる冒頭だね〜。タイトルも短く鋭く。それにしても問題提起をしたのが,MINIXや分散オペレーティング システムのAmoebaを開発したAndrew Tanenbaum教授だったとは…

Microsoft's Enterprising Endeavor(BusinessWeek)

エンタープライズ市場に乗り込むMicrosoftという話。IBMとの違いは It was at that press event that Ballmer drew a bead on IBM. He said Big Blue is all about services, while Microsoft is focused almost exclusively on software. He noted that IBM…

Former Apple execs, including Woz, launch "blank-check" company, Acquicor(San Jose Mercury)

Here's our story in the Mercury News today about the trio of former Apple Computer executives who are riding on the reputation of the famous company's brand, and have created a new shell public company, Acquicor, that will shop to acquire …

Why The Web Is Hitting A Wall(Business Week)

米国のインターネットの普及に急ブレーキがかかったという話。2005年が64%,これが今年65%,2009年でも67%にしかならないという。 普及を阻む要因は使い勝手の悪さ。月並みな・・・

IBM: The 'next big thing' no longer exists(news.com)

An era of inventions ended with the passing of the 20th century, says a prominent thought leader from IBM. そうですか・・・・。 “イノベーション”では点に注意が必要 That is not to say that the 21st century does not also require invention, cr…

Study Says Chips in ID Tags Are Vulnerable to Viruses(Business Week)

A group of European computer researchers have demonstrated that it is possible to insert a software virus into radio frequency identification tags, part of a microchip-based tracking technology in growing use in commercial and security app…

The Net's New Age(Business Week)

The biggest news site, measured in terms of users and page views, is Yahoo. True to Web 2.0 form, Yahoo started with a set of Web communications tools and added news feeds. While traditional news organizations may turn up their noses at su…

Newspaper includes CD-ROMs

The Dallas Morning News has included CD-ROM copies of Hollywood Previews magazine -- including reviews, trailers and ads -- in certain Suday issues.

Big Itanium change coming with 'Poulson'

Intel's "Tukwila" processor will be a significant departure from earlier Itanium models, but bigger changes will come with its sequel, "Poulson." 大きな変化は,MPUとメモリやI/Oをつなぐバスに部分。でも詳細がまったく分からないので,欲求不満…

Famed "computer terrorist" teaches anti-hacking(news.com)

あのKevin Mitnickが,いまやセキュリティを教育して歩いているという話。 "Hackers find the hole in the human firewall," Mitnick told an information technology security conference on Wednesday in Johannesburg, South Africa. "What's the biggest…

Google Goof Posts Revenue Figure(WSJ)


Wal-Mart Enlists Bloggers in P.R. Campaign(NY Times)

Wall Martをヨイショする記事をPR会社がブロガにメールで送っていた話。そのヨイショ話が,出展を明記しないでブログに掲載されたことについて問題提起している。記事と広告が判然としないメディアが多い日本では,どっちもどっちという感じだが。

Google Has Plan to ActGoogle Has Plan to Act As Hard Drive for Users' FiAs Hard Drive for Users' Filesles(WSJ)

Googleがユーザーのデータを格納するサービス「GDrive」を考えているという話。ロイター「Google lets slip talk of online storage」にも出ている。 GDriveよりも,GoogleのEric Schmidtがアナリスト向けに行ったプレゼンにPowerPoint(スピーチ原稿の入っ…

Intel Plots Triple-Chip Counterattack(WSJ)

Microsoftの発表した“Origami”らしきものもIDFで披露。IntelはUltra Mobile PCと呼んでいるが,ウイルコムのZero3に似ている。CNETにもOrigamiは出ているが(「Intel shows Origami-like device」),WSJの方がよく分かる。 Woodcrest, will boost performan…

