

著者が天然ガスに長年かかわってきた人物という点を差し引いても、エネルギー問題を考える上での貴重な情報が多く盛り込まれた良書。原発派 対 反原発派(再生可能エネルギー派)という構図で“0”か“1”かの不毛な議論に陥りがちな日本のエネルギー論争の問…

Killer App for E.V.’s: 30-Minute Recharges

Science behind closed doors

Tracking Electric Use Could Allow Utilities to Track You, Too

Tracking Electric Use Could Allow Utilities to Track You, Too

Grids to harness power of electric cars

U.S. agency says Google can be power marketer

Running out of juice

A mistaken claim about glaciers raises questions about the UN’s climate panel

Intel, too, eyes home energy management

Study Raises Cost Estimate for Electric Cars

Google Applies to Become Power Marketer

LED Bulbs Save Substantial Energy, a Study Finds

For the Volt, How’s Life After 40 (Miles)?

A Shift to Electric Cars with Driving Missions?

Are EVs Risking or Saving the Planet?

Everybody in the Pool of Green Innovation



Space agencies, Google seek ways to save forests

Seeking Energy Savings at the Heart of the Internet

Kill a Newspaper, Save a Tree? Not Quite

Stimulus Funds Speed Transformation Toward 'Smart Grid'

New Appliances, in Sync With Meters, Shift to Energy-Saver Modes When Told

Apple Launches Major Green Effort

Is Cell-Phone Safety Assured? Or Merely Ignored?

Plugged-In Age Feeds a Hunger for Electricity

Dubuque, Iowa: The First American 'Smart City'?

IBM data center gets deep energy retrofit

I.B.M. Sets Out to Make a City in Iowa ‘Smarter’

Coming to Dealers Soon: An Array of Electric Cars