Wiser About The Web(Business Week)


Online advertising breaks roughly into two camps. The fastest-growing side has been search-engine advertising, led by Google and Yahoo. This industry has zoomed from zero to an estimated $5 billion in six years. Last year search-related advertising was on pace to grow 27%, as was the competing camp, display ads.

でも,バナーは意外に強い。interactive bannerなるものもあるそうな

But advertising executives predict that the display banners and videos that appear on Web pages will outpace search this year.

New interactive banner ads spring to life when the Web surfer crosses them with the cursor. No click necessary. Some of them balloon into mini Web pages as you browse. Others sprout arms and legs pitching cars or recipes.The advertisers don't always know who the Web surfers are, but they often know which Web page they have come from. They can track which parts of the banner appear to interest visitors and how long they spend there.


As ads spew out more data, their value rises. According to Avenue A/Razorfish, a banner on a leading portal, such as Yahoo or MSN, now costs about $500,000 for a day, about the same as a 30-second spot on a hit TV series such as CBS's CSI. Some 20 million to 25 million unique visitors stop by while the ad is up.