Newspapers: From Print to Pixels(Business Week)

Knight Ridderを持ち出して,凋落の新聞をテーマにした記事。猛烈な追い上げを食らっている。じゃあ,新聞の生きる道は

"Now they need to create online destinations, and it's not as easy as just putting their content on the Web site. They have got to offer people new kinds of features and ways to find content, and perhaps ways to communicate and share ideas with other readers"
Newspaper sites need to incorporate tools such as Web-page tagging. That allows users to organize libraries of links to favorite news stories by subject matter, and share those lists with friends or the public if they choose.

先進事例はWashington Postにあり。

Mernit adds that The Washington Post Co. has been perhaps the most aggressive newspaper company when it comes to using new tools. The Post has hired Adrian Holovaty, the creator of, to develop "mashups" combining two or more Web services, in the manner of Chicago Crime. That site combines the city's crime stats with Google maps, allowing users to plot patterns.


The traditional newspaper was more of a one-way conversation. Few readers bothered to write letters to the editor on a regular basis, and those who did were often viewed as local cranks. That's not true on the Web. Upstarts like Newsvine invite readers to comment on every single story, without editors placing limits on the conversation
