AMD's Spin-off: Abu Dhabi to the Rescue

A.M.D. Spins Off Chip-Making Factories to Focus on Design

Who Benefits From A.M.D.’s Financial Engineering?

AMD hives off factories in bid to fight Intel

AMD to Spin Off Manufacturing to New Venture

A.M.D. to Split Into Two Operations

Report: More competitive processors due from AMD

Broadcom to Buy A.M.D. TV-Chip Business

AMD to Sell Digital TV Business

AMD Aims to Revive Strength With Videogamer

A.M.D. Sees Vindication in New Card for Graphics

AMD vs. Intel: The Challenger's New Plan

Ruiz Steps Down At AMD

AMD Taps Meyer as CEO in Reshuffle

Another Loss at A.M.D. Leads to Chief’s Ouster

AMD の Hector Ruiz が赤字の責任をとって辞任。 After the seventh consecutive quarterly loss at Advanced Micro Devices, the company’s board ousted Hector Ruiz as chief executive and replaced him with Dirk Meyer, a star engineering executive …

EU May File New Charges Against Intel in Chip Probe

AMD to Take $948 Million in Charges


ATI Technologies は AMD のお荷物と化している。 One focus is ATI operations that sell chips for hand-held devices, digital TVs and other consumer-electronics products, whose revenues declined 31% in the first quarter and posted an $8 millio…

DreamWorks Animation Switches to Intel Chips

2005年から AMD のチップを使っていた Dreamworks が Intel製に乗り換える。 Some 1,000 workstations and 1,500 server units at DreamWorks Animation will make the switch to Intel chips over the next 18 months, and a team of Intel engineers will …

DreamWorks executive on why it switched from AMD to Intel

DreamWorks picks Intel over AMD for chip supply: report

Dreamworks がマシンを Intel 製 MPU 搭載機に乗り換えた話。3D のアニメーション制作のため。 The deal is expected to replace the studio's computing hardware, including 1,500 Hewlett-Packard Co server systems and 1,000 workstations that use AM…

A.M.D. and Its War With Intel

Graphics Chips May Play Outside Games

AMD Wins Another Round Against Intel

Nvidia, AMD vie with Intel over USB 3.0

日本でUSB の展示会を企画したのはデスクの頃だった。 In play is the USB 3.0 specification, a next-generation high-speed connection standard due in 2009. It is significant not only because all future PCs and devices will use connectors based …

Intel Facing Antitrust Investigation

Intel, AMD Court Date Is Pushed Back

AMD launches much-awaited Puma notebook chip line

AMD Will Deliver a New Platform For Laptops in Its Battle With Intel

A.M.D. Set to Introduce a New Chip for Laptops

Atom ほどのインパクトはないが,ビジネス的には妥当な線 A.M.D., which in April reported its sixth consecutive quarterly loss, plans to announce on Wednesday that it will start selling new power-conserving notebook chips with strong graphics …

Graphics Chips Reshape the Battlefield

昔から何度も言われていたことの蒸し返し。でも,これは知らなかった Intel, in contrast, has focused on embedding graphics circuitry in chip sets that surround microprocessors, a market it dominates. The company does not offer GPUs, although i…