
Microsoft Drops Bid for Yahoo

Microsoft Withdraws Yahoo Offer After Attempt to Bridge Gap in Price

Guessing Yahoo’s Opening Stock Price

Will Microsoft Really Walk?

Microsoft Withdraws Its Bid for Yahoo

大山鳴動してネズミ一匹も出なかった。適正な金額はよく分からないが Microsoft said Saturday that it was abandoning its blockbuster bid to acquire Yahoo after it raised its offer by $5 billion but Yahoo rejected it as still too low.The about-f…


Microsoft May Go Hostile, Yahoo May Announce Google Search Deal

Microsoft, Yahoo Talks Intensify In Push to Reach a Friendly Deal

Finally, Microsoft and Yahoo in Merger Talks

Microsoft’s Board Meets on Yahoo Bid

Microsoft Board Mulls Yahoo Bid But Price Remains Key Issue

No Break in the Standoff of Microsoft and Yahoo

Yahoo-Microsoft Deadline Expires

Yahoo-Microsoft Fight Heads for a Deadline

Google optimistic regulators won't bar Yahoo: source

Google believes such a partnership would not be anti-competitive because it would be an arrangement in which Yahoo would use Google's more profitable search advertising platform to make more money for itself, said the source, speaking on c…

Earnings Show Microsoft Needs Yahoo

CEO Says Microsoft Could Forgo Yahoo

6月30日のEOSが延期されるかも。 Microsoft could re-think plans to phase out its Windows XP operating system by June 30 if customers show they want to keep it but so far they have not, Chief Executive Steve Ballmer said. こんなこと,とうに分…

Yahoo-Google Deal Advances

For Microsoft, Holding Yahoo Talent May Be Costly

Microsoft’s rivals circle but Yahoo lacks options

Microsoft seen as winner as big media circles Yahoo

Yahoo's New Bedfellows: AOL and Google

News Corp. May Join Yahoo Bid With Microsoft

Microsoft Said to Be Talking With News Corporation About Joint Yahoo Bid

Yahoo+MySpaceですか。 Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation is in talks with Microsoft about joining in its contested bid for Yahoo, according to people involved in the discussions. The combination, which would join Yahoo, Microsoft’s MSN and …

Yahoo, AOL Close In on Tie-Up Deal

Microsoftの魔の手から逃れるためには何でもやる。 Yahoo Inc. and Time Warner Inc.'s AOL are closing in on a deal to combine their Internet operations, a move that could thwart Microsoft Corp.'s effort to acquire Yahoo, people familiar with t…

Is Yahoo Right to Resist Microsoft?

Yahoo Answers Microsoft With Yet Another No

Yahoo Responds to Microsoft; Defends Business, Stance

Yahoo Rejects Microsoft Bid Again

Microsoft Threatens Yahoo Board With Proxy Battle, Lower Bid