
Dell Goes High-end and Hip

The Alienware deal is indeed an unusual move for a company that had made only two acquisitions in its 22-year history. Buying Miami-based Alienware may be well-timed, given that recent efforts by Dell to revitalize its high-end product lin…

Cray Plans Radical Product Design(WSJ)

Crayがブレード方式のスーパーコンピュータを開発したという話。スーパーコンピュータは今や,スカラー型のIBMが席巻している。シェアは47%を占める。対するCrayは11%。 Cray plans to give users even more choice. The company's so-called adaptive-sup…

ENIAC--monster and marvel--debuted 60 years ago(news.com)

In February 1946, J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly were about to unveil, for the first time, an electronic computer to the world. Their ENIAC, or Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, could churn 5,000 addition problems in one se…

PCの利用頻度と数学の成績に相関ありとの報告 - OECD調査(MYCOM PC WEB)


Pressuring Microsoft, PC Makers

Team Up With Its Software Rivals(Wall Street Journal)]Wall Street Journalの特ダネ。GoogleとDellが,ツールバーとデスクトップ・サーチのプリインストールで提携を模索という話。10億ドルの商談としている。当然,MicrosoftのWindows Vistaや次期IEと…