
Homeland Insecurity

Data Leak in Britain Affects 25 Million

Facebook's Tracking of User Activity Riles Privacy Advocates, Members

Study: Cell phones, hospitals don't mix

またぞろ出てきた話題。定期的に騒がれるのは何か理由があるのか。 The University of Amsterdam researchers recorded nearly 50 incidents of electromagnetic interference from cell phone use in hospitals and classified 75 percent of them as signi…

Seagate to Offer Encrypted Drives

暗号機能を備えたHDD。あればあったで便利だけど,なくても不便ではないといった類の機能。なんとなく備えている仕様といったところか。 Seagate isn't alone. Rivals such as Hitachi Ltd. and Fujitsu Ltd. have announced drives with various forms of e…


Google Zooms In Too Close for Some

プライバシとITの根深い問題。 Ms. Kalin-Casey, who manages an apartment building here with her husband, John Casey, was a bit shaken when she tried a new feature in Google痴 map service called Street View. She typed in her address and the s…

Oracle's SAP Suit Casts Light on Technical Support

SAPソフトの保守運用を手がけるSAP子会社TomorrwNowが,OracleのWebサイトの顧客向け情報に違法アクセスしたという話。TomorrowNowは,Oracleの保守料金の半額を売り物にした会社。 A lawsuit by Oracle, filed yesterday in U.S. District Court in San Fra…

Chips' Security Capabilities Expand

MPUにセキュリティ機能を組み込む話と,それを活用するソフトウェア登場の話。新しくないが,重要な動きである。 IntelやAMDのほかに,スタートアップ企業の話があるのが価値。 In another development, a start-up called Secure64 Software Corp. is utili…

Study Finds Web Antifraud Measure Ineffective

The study, produced jointly by researchers at Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, looked at a technology called site-authentication images. In the system, currently used by financial institutions like Bank of America, IN…

A Move to Secure Data by Scattering the Pieces(NYTimes)

The idea of distributed data storage is not new. But Cleversafe is significant because it is an open-source project ? that is, the technology will be freely licensed, enabling others to adopt the design to build commercial products. That a…

AOL Removes Search Data on Group of Web Users(NYTimes)

A Face Is Exposed for AOL Searcher No. 4417749(NYTimes)

Buried in a list of 20 million Web search queries collected by AOL and recently released on the Internet is user No. 4417749. The number was assigned by the company to protect the searcher’s anonymity, but it was not much of a shield. 人物…

Is Your VoIP Phone Vulnerable?(BusinessWeek)

IP電話はインターネット同様,セキュリティの問題をはらんでいるという話。Voice Spamという言葉も登場する


昨年8月のある日の夕方、オーストラリアのパースからマレーシアのクアラルンプールへ向かっていたマレーシア航空のジェット旅客機が、突然意思を持ったかのように3000フィート急上昇した。 シンドラーのエレベータの件もあるし。またまた脚光を浴びる組み込…



Fear of handset viruses deter companies: survey

Of 240 companies polled specifically about the threat of viruses, 82 percent of businesses expect a cellular network to be more at risk than a fixed-line network, but only a quarter have assessed the real threat that comes from their staff…

Fidelity Employee Left Laptop With H-P Data in Car Before Theft(WSJ)

HPの現在と過去の19万60000の従業員データが漏洩した件。Fidelity Investmentsの社員が,レンタカーにノートパソコンを3時間にわたって置いて,食事をしたのが原因。なんともおそまつだが,人間のやることはこんなものともいえる。

Is your pet infected with computer virus?


Microsoft to Delay Windows Vista Release(AP)

ネットでは大騒ぎ(少なくとも驚いた振りをしている)。 Microsoft said it postponed its first new operating system since 2001 because of concerns about the security of the system from viruses and hackers and after deciding that it could not r…

What's Lurking in That RFID Tag?(Business Week)

例のICタグのセキュリティ問題。 Computer hackers may have found their next frontier. 痺れる冒頭だね〜。タイトルも短く鋭く。それにしても問題提起をしたのが,MINIXや分散オペレーティング システムのAmoebaを開発したAndrew Tanenbaum教授だったとは…

Famed "computer terrorist" teaches anti-hacking(news.com)

あのKevin Mitnickが,いまやセキュリティを教育して歩いているという話。 "Hackers find the hole in the human firewall," Mitnick told an information technology security conference on Wednesday in Johannesburg, South Africa. "What's the biggest…

Gates Outlines Security For New Vista Software(Wall Street Journal)

「Info-cards」という機能をVistaに取り入れる。個人情報を相手によって選択的に開示する仕組み。個人情報は暗号化して送信といったところが特徴か。Wall Street JournalはMicrosoftの「Passport」についても言及していて面白い。忘れていたものを思い出させ…

