

Security Flaw in the iPhone Exposes Private Data

Georgia States Computers Hit By Cyberattack

Cyberspace Barrage Preceded Russian Invasion of Georgia

With Security at Risk, a Push to Patch the Web

Hazards: ID Tags Interfering With Medical Care

Researchers writing in The Journal of the American Medical Association said they looked at the effect the tags had on 41 different medical devices. In 123 tests, they said, they were able to produce 34 incidents of electromagnetic interfer…

The Upside of Google’s User Tracking

Gmail の新機能。 We’ve written a lot about whether there are potential costs to privacy in Google’s practice of recording the Internet Protocol address of every computer that connects to its service. Those are still very live issues, but G…

Targeted Ads Raise Privacy Concerns

Is the Government Tracking Us Through Our Cellphones? Lawsuit Seeks Answers

あり得る話だが Specifically, the civil-liberties group said, it based its request on an article I wrote in December 2005. That article discussed the discomfort that some courts were feeling about the government’s use of cellphone tracking …

Citibank A.T.M. Breach Reveals PIN Security Problems

Shopping via Cellphone Slowed by Security Fears

Study tracking people via cell phone raises privacy issues

Study tracking people via cell phone raises privacy issues

The Brain: Caller May Be Out of Sight, but in Mind

California Privacy Chief Says Google Should Improve Disclosure

記者がカリフォルニア州の担当者にインタビューした話。あまり実りがないのでブログに収録した感じ。Don't be evil!


AndroidはGoogleが公開している携帯電話向けプラットフォームで,LinuxとJavaをベースにしている。SELinuxはLinuxのアクセス権管理をきめ細かく厳密にすることでセキュリティを強化するモジュール。日立ソフトはGUI設定ツール「SELinux Policy Editor」を開…

Market for securing mobile devices yet to take off

ちょっと認識が違う Some of the most sophisticated security products for mobile devices are available in Japan, where carriers like NTT DoCoMo Inc offer security software that customers can download onto their phones. They pay a monthly sub…

Google Fights for the Right to Hide Its Privacy Policy

Google founders in web privacy warning

SNS における行動ターゲティング広告の問題点を指摘 Social networks and other companies’ “aggressive” attempts to target advertising according to users’ search behaviour risk damaging the internet industry’s reputation, Google’s co-founders h…

Strong prospects in software to spy on bank staff




筆者が同志社大学に提出した博士論文に加筆した専門書。2007年9月に出版された本なので Winny 開発者への京都地裁判決に言及するなど鮮度は悪くない。法学の博士論文とあって文章は堅めでまどろっこしい点もあるが,それほど酷いものではないので一般人にも…

Flaw turns Gmail into spamming machine

By exploiting a flaw in the way Google forwards messages, a spammer can send thousands of bulk e-mails through Google's SMTP service, bypassing Google's 500-address bulk e-mail limit and identity fraud protections.

The New Hacker Economics

Email Software Delves Into Employees' Contacts

Recruiting for the Cyber Wars

Public Wi-Fi: Be Very Paranoid

I.P. Address: Partially Personal Information

Researchers Find Way to Steal Encrypted Data

