Dell exec: We're not Wintel's lapdog(CNET)

 CTO,Kevin Kettlerが語るDellの技術戦略。「消費者のことを最もよく知っているのは,IntelでもMicrosoftでもなく我々だ」と自信満々の内容。一読の価値がある。Kettlerはチクリチクリと,Intelの技術戦略のミスを指摘する。IEEE802.22にとって代わられたHomeRF,いまだに立ち上がらないItanium,Rambusへの肩入れなど,言いたい放題だ。

"Next time to you talk to Pat (Gelsinger, head of Intel's server group and its former CTO), ask him where the demand for 64-bit memory extensions (to x86 chips) came from," Kettler said.

If it were up to Kettler, Intel would drastically scale back its Itanium work--a direction 180 degrees opposed to Intel's increasing investments in the chip. "I ask how many developers they have on Itanium," every time he meets with Gelsinger, he said. Whatever the answer, Kettler says, "That's two times too much."

 最後には次世代DVDも血祭りに上げる。IntelMicrosoftが持ち上げるHD DVDは普及せず,Blu-rayに分があると指摘する。

Dell is sticking to its guns, though. "Microsoft may bitch, Intel may bitch," but the customers want Blu-ray, and that's what matters to the PC maker, Kettler said.