Gates, Jobs Make Joint Appearance

Wall Street Journal主催のコンファレンスにGatesとJobsが登場。各Webサイトが報じている。もちろんWSJが最も充実。15分の動画を用意するのはもちろん,リンク,さらいにはHTMLの記述方法まで提供している。ブログ対策なんだろうね。


"We'll look back at this as one of the great periods of invention," Mr.Gates said at the D: All Things Digital conference here sponsored by The Wall Street Journal. "I think so," Mr. Jobs answered.


When the duo were asked by an audience member what qualities they respected most about each other, Mr. Gates said he'd "give a lot to have Steve's taste," reflecting on meetings he participated in with Mr. Jobs during the early days of Apple's Macintosh. "I would see Steve make decisions based on a sense of people and products," Mr. Gates said. "The way he does things is just different, and it's magical."

Mr. Jobs, for his part, said he admired Mr. Gates's philanthropic efforts. "I think the world's a better place because Bill realized his goal isn't to be the richest guy in the cemetery," he said.

New York Times記事は少し辛口。

However, attendees who came hoping for fireworks or a confrontation were disappointed.


Asked to comment on today's computer industry and the youth culture that it markets to, both men pointed to examples of applications of computer technology that had been readily adopted by seniors.

Gates and Jobs share stage, friendly banter at D5