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Steve Jobs、Walter Isaacson、Simon & Schuster、p.656、$35.00

iPhone 4S発表の翌日10月5日に逝去したスティーブ・ジョブズの評伝。600ページを超える大著で、読み終えるまでにほぼ1カ月かかってしまったが、それだけの価値は十分だ。本書が出版されたのは、当初の予定から1カ月前倒しの10月25日。日米でほぼ同時発売とい…

More Jobs Predicted for Machines, Not People

Jobs Threatened ‘Thermonuclear War’ on Google’s Android, AP Says

Making the iBio for Apple’s Genius

Steve Jobs Biography: A Scorecard of Put-Downs

Hints of Apple Plans in Jobs Book

Jobs Tried Exotic Treatments to Combat Cancer, Book Says

For Jobs's Biological Father, the Reunion Never Came

Who Will Be the 'Next Steve Jobs'?

Apple Fights On Without Its Muse

The Secular Prophet

How Jobs Put Passion Into Products

With Time Running Short, Jobs Managed His Farewells

Can Apple Keep the Magic Going Without Jobs? Look To IBM

A disruptive digital visionary

Eric Schmidt on Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs: The Return, 1997-2011

Jobs authorized biography so his kids can know him

Analysts: Apple Lives On

Steve Jobs Biography Out Oct. 24

Apple's Design Spotlight Shifts to Ive

Apple Must Face Rivals Without Its Guru

Mossberg: The Steve Jobs I Knew

The magician

Steven Paul Jobs, 1955-2011

Jobs Fans Mourn World-Wide

Loss Hits Asia's Apple Fans Hard

Steven Paul Jobs, 1955-2011

Jobs's Impact on Asia's Technology Industry