Emails Point to Intel's Hand in Vista Marketing

Intelの915チップセットの性能に見合うように,Vistaに必要なスペック「Windows Vista Capable」を低く抑えたという話。LSIの性能はあらかじめ分かっているはず。Vista不振の理由を米Intelに押しつけたともとれる内容。Microsoft に対する集団訴訟の法廷で明らかになった電子メールで公になった。

A Microsoft Corp. executive last year said the software company made a mistake by lowering the minimum technical requirements needed to run Windows Vista, a decision he said was made to help Intel Corp. meet its quarterly earnings, according to internal emails disclosed this week.


In a note dated Feb. 26. 2007, Microsoft General Manager John Kalkman wrote that "it was a mistake on our part to change the original graphics requirements." In the email, he added that "in the end, we lowered the requirement to help Intel make their quarterly earnings so they could continue to sell motherboards with 915 graphics embedded," according to a copy of the email.